American Journal of Neurology is an open-access journal disseminating and communicating scientific knowledge to neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists, neuro-psychiatrists, and other specialists working in the field of neurosciences.

Main Topics

Manuscript categories that will be considered for publication by American journal of neurology include the following: neuroendocrinology, epilepsy, neuroanatomy, neuromuscular diseases, movement disorders, neurochemistry, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, multiple sclerosis, stroke and cerebral circulation, autoimmune neurology, neuropsychology, peripheral nerve, neuroradiology, headache, pediatric neurology, dementia, neurogenetics, sleep neurology, alzheimer disease, neuroophthalmology, seizures, neurooncology, myelin, myopathy, demyelinating disorders, neuropathology, neuroepidemiology, neuroimmunology, dystrophy, neurosurgery, etc.

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